tips for training your large breed dog

tips for training your large breed dog

  • The Pros And Cons Of A German Shepherd Protection Dog

    If you are looking to protect and secure your home, you have many different options, including security systems or protection dogs. If you are considering a German shepherd protection dog, learning the pros and cons associated with using one of these dogs to secure your home will help you decide if it is a good fit for you. Here are a couple of the pros and cons associated with using a German shepherd as a form of security for your home.

  • Dogs And Postal Workers: An Age-Old Problem, Complications, And A Solution

    There is many a joke and cartoon about dogs attacking postal workers along their routes. However, it is not really a joke when a postal worker does encounter a dog that refuses to allow the postal worker to pass. Here are some of the typical complications that arise from this particular situation, and a very reasonable solution that you, as a postal worker, can use. You Get Injured  If a customer's dog attacks you, you get injured.

  • Puppy Pulls On His Leash? 2 Tips To Try Before You Seek Professional Puppy Training

    If you have just welcomed a new puppy into your family, then you likely already know that you are in for many great years of fun and companionship with your new "family member." However, like all puppies, the key to both your family and your puppy getting the most out of those years is ensuring he is properly trained while he is young; the older a get becomes before he is fully trained, the more difficult it is for new habits to "

  • Registered Companion Vs. Emotional Support Animals

    There are an increasing number of pet owners who wish to certify their animals in a service capacity, often for emotional support. There are various levels of certification, from a professional guide dog, to emotional service animals. These are commonly referred to as working dogs. While they are not as rigidly trained as guide dogs, companion and emotional support animals, must be permitted to enter a number of public venues just as disability service dogs would be, and they can also be an animal other than a dog.

  • How To Potty Train Your Puppy

    If you've never had a puppy before, potty training your new furry baby may seem like a never-ending and difficult process. You may have just let your puppy out to go potty and then brought him inside only to step into a puddle on the floor. Once your puppy begins going potty inside your house, your puppy may think that is where he should be going, as he is smelling his own scent throughout the house.

  • About Me

    tips for training your large breed dog

    My husband insists on having large dogs in the house. When he brought the first dog home as a puppy, I was excited and thought that it could be a good thing. As time went by, that little puppy turned into a big, disobedient dog that destroyed the house when we weren't home with him. It got to the point in which I threatened to move out of the house unless my husband did something to get his dog under control. He took the dog to training classes and learned how to train the dog to behave. Since then, we have added two more large dogs to the family that are well-behaved companions. This blog will show you some tips for training your large breed dog to behave properly.
